onsdag 1 oktober 2014

What's on the Menu? Chemistry!

Grade 4 is learning about chemical reactions. We made mini bombs with baking soda and vinegar. It was fun to ask the students their ideas on what a film canister was. Many of them had never seen one. 

Baking soda and citric acid make quite a bang in a film container!

We tested mystery powders. By testing chemical reactions between known powders and liquids, we were able to identify a mystery powder. 

Mixing mystery powders.
Drawing conclusions and making predictions.

Using beakers and balances. 
Finally we made a Wacky Cake. This cake uses the reaction of baking soda and vinegar as a leavening agent. The cake is egg and milk free. We learned a lot about measuring carefully and following instructions. If you want to make one at home, you can google "wacky cake".

Team work

Following instructions.

 Here are some learning objectives from this unit:

Children will:

2.1      Be able to carry out simple investigations:
          • Predicting the outcomes of investigations
          • Using simple scientific equipment
          • Testing ideas using evidence from observation and measurement
          • Linking the evidence to broader scientific knowledge and understanding
          • Using evidence to draw conclusions
          • Explaining their observations and findings

2.3      Understand the importance of collecting scientific evidence about food changes

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