torsdag 2 oktober 2014

Craters on the Moon Grade 6

The Statement of Inquiry for our Solar System Unit is: Scientists observe patterns and use them to construct systems that explain how the solar system works.

One pattern students investigated and recorded was the size or craters created in a simulated lunar surface depending on different factors. Students were allowed to choose the independent variable; mass, size of their meteorite or height. The measured either the size of the crater or the size of the ejecta rays created by the surface being thrown out of the crater upon impact. We were able to see correlations and make conclusions about our predictions. 

Can you see the ejecta rays? We used cocoa on flour to provide contrast. 

Here is an interesting story about a real lunar meteorite.

For this task students were assessed on Criteria B: Inquiring and Designing and Criteria C: Processing and Evaluating.

It's important to make a lot of measurements.

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