onsdag 1 oktober 2014

Roots and Shoots

In grade 5 we are investigating Roots, Shoots and Fruits. We tasted some sunflower seeds and sunflower sprouts. I even made the students taste beet root. I should have taken a photo of that. Students designed an investigation about seed germinating. They were allowed to choose the seed and the conditions but they could only change one factor. (Fair Test). Students recorded their observations in a booklet. They were quite excited to see their seeds germinate. It is so amazing to see life emerge from a seed. Next we will study plant genetics and Gregor Mendel. 
Chick peas germinated in salt water and soapy water.
alfalfa sprouts
This years Google Science Fair winners investigated germination. Watch their video here.
Chick pea vs. Bean

Some of the learning objectives for this unit are:
Children will:

3.2 Be able to conduct scientific investigations

• Posing scientific questions
• Choosing an appropriate  way to investigate a scientific issue
• Using their scientific knowledge and understanding to predict the outcome
• Relating the outcome to their original prediction
• Making systematic and accurate measurements from their observations
• Drawing conclusions based on the evidence
• Explaining and justifying their predictions, investigations, findings and conclusions
• Recording and communicating their findings accurately using the most appropriate medium and the appropriate scientific vocabulary and conventions
• Repeating investigations, observations and measurements to check their accuracy and validity
• Identifying patterns in the results
• Using scientific language to explain any differences found in the results of investigations
• Suggesting ways in which their investigations and working methods could be improved
• Relating their own investigations to wider scientific ideas

3.5    Understand the importance of using evidence to test scientific ideas

3.29  Know about the effects of seed dispersal

3.30  Know about the conditions needed for germination

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