tisdag 14 oktober 2014


Continuing with our study of how different materials are suited for different purposes, grade 3 made ischoklad. This is a mixture of chocolate which we all know tastes delicious with coconut oil which has a lower melting point than chocolate. We labeled a thermometer with different melting points. Then we melted chocolate with coconut oil. Students were very careful using candles. 

Using simple scientific equipment.

You can make ischoklad at home. It is really quite easy:

1. Melt 50 grams coconut oil and 100 grams chocolate. You can do this in a pan on the stove or in the microwave. Be careful not to overheat. 
2. Pour into forms.
3. Refrigerate until firm.

These will melt smoothly in your mouth because the melting point of coconut is lower than the chocolate and much lower than your mouth temperature. 

Body temperature 37ºC

Melting temperature of chocolate about 34ºC

Melting point of coconut oil 24ºC

The relates to the learning goal:

2.31 Be able to compare common materials and objects according to their properties 

In this case the property we discussed was melting point.

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