söndag 13 december 2015


Grade 3 is completing a unit called Bright Sparks. In their classroom they learned a lot about circuits and conductors and insulators. In IPC lab we investigated static electricity and magnets. The magnet lesson was fun. We made predictions about what objects were attracted to a magnet and which objects weren't. We discussed the fact that all things attracted to a magnet are metal but that not all metal is attracted to a magnet. We looked at strong and weak magnets and opposing forces. A strong magnet could lift up the scissors because the magnet force was bigger than the force of gravity. Weaker magnets couldn't pick up the scissors because gravity "won". This reminded some students of building boats and buoyant force.

We finished the lesson by making the scissors into a temporary magnet and making an electromagnet. We talked a little about the relationship between electricity and magnets.

I showed the students my "magical tube of science". Come try if for yourself or watch this clip. Or watch the clip and then come try.


Here are some related learning goals.

2.35 Know about the principles of magnets and magnetic and non-magnetic materials

2.39 Know that forces differ in size

2.38 Know that forces have direction

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