torsdag 23 april 2015

For the Birds

In grade 3 we are learning about birds and their adaptations. We played a game in one lesson where we had different tools that simulated beak shapes. Students had to gather food. They found that some beaks were well suited to different foods. Some of their poor birds starved. 

This beak worked well for "nectar". 
This didn't work for nectar. 

Filter feeder
Worm eater
"I can't get any nectar with this beak!"
Nectar beak comparison. 

We did some bird watching in the park to learn about some local birds. You can go to www.fågelså to listen to local birds. 

 We also did an exercise about camouflage where different colors of fabric simulated animal coloring and habitat. Can you spot the fabric scraps that are camouflaged?

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