måndag 23 mars 2015

Thermometers and Compasses

Two simple tools that we take for granted. Grade 3 has been learning about significant people. Last week we talked about Fahrenheit and Celsius plus Carl von Linne's contribution to how we measure temperature. We made glass bottle thermometers. As the water in the bottle warms up it expands and moves up the straw. The was a great exercise in patience for these kids who are so used to immediate results. 

In grade 6, students explored magnets fields and learned about the magnetic field of the Earth. They used compasses and iron filings to see the magnetic field around a bar magnet. 

Today they made temporary magnets by  stroking a needle with a permanent magnet. They could pick up paper clips. They could also use the needle floating in water to see the Earth's magnetic influence. 
 These girls had a magnetized paper clip pointing to magnetic north. 

 Magnetic needles floating in water.  
We briefly discussed the connection between electricity and magnets. We were able to make a homemade compass move when put an electric current through a wire nearby. Next lesson we will investigate electromagnets. 

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