lördag 21 november 2015

International Elements

What is it that these 6th grade boys find so interesting on their chrome books? Would you believe me if I told you they were translating The Periodic Table? It is great working at an international school when you teach The Periodic Table. Why is the symbol for Sodium Na? Did you know it is called Natrium in Swedish? Tungsten sounds like a Swedish name but the symbol is W. It's called Wolfram in German. Silver's symbol Ag doesn't make much sense to an English speaker but a French person understands the symbol, silver is argent in French. I shared a blank google sheet with a few headings with 6v. In about 15 minutes they had created this!!!
Here is the view from the other side of the screen.

fredag 13 november 2015

Staying Warm

Grade 3 is finished with their unit about chocolate. We did an investigation this week where we compared the heat lost from different containers. This gave us a chance to practice using some simple equipment (thermometers, retort stands and timers.)
Next week we will graph our data and describe our results using the words insulator and conductor. The students will be using these words in the context of electricity in their Bright Sparks unit.

If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd Have Baked a Cake

Grade 4 finished their study of chemical and physical changes in food by baking a cake.  This cake is sometimes called a wacky cake or depression cake. The ingredients are probably things you have at home. No milk or eggs are required. It is a good way to see (and taste) the reaction of baking soda and vinegar. The bubbles formed in the reaction help the cake rise. The vinegar and baking soda undergo a chemical change so they lose their characteristic taste. 

It was good practice measuring. 

Here is the recipe so you can try it at home. 

Mix the following dry ingredients in a cake pan. 10 x 20 cm is a good size:

90g unbleached all-purpose flour
100g sugar
10 g unsweetened cocoa (Optional)
3g baking soda (bicarbonate)
1g salt
2.5g vanilla powder

Mix the following wet ingredients in small bowl.

2.5ml vinegar
35ml vegetable oil
120ml cold water

Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix well. 

Bake at 175°C  for about 25 minutes: Until cake is springy and pulls away from the sides. 

If you want to use American measurements, google wacky cake. You will find the recipe. 

Bon appetit!